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Farmgate's license plate camera technology is world class and unique. 

Most people know they need to improve access control and tracking of vehicles entering work spaces and properties. Now you can with with accurate notifications of all vehicles arriving and leaving with plate reads all on your mobile phone.


Why do we back our license plate cameras? Because they are state of the art German technology backed by over 1 million NZ plates in the supporting algorithm. Our cameras can be applied to real world situations in multiple ways. You also get stolen vehicle notifications!


+stand alone on a roadside or property entrance OR

+integrated with a barrier arm or gate for automated access. 

No doubt you have expensive tools, equipment and diesel on site that you can't afford to lose and would find it extremely useful to be able to track everyone who comes on site for health and safety, biosecurity and security if required. Integrate with a barrier arm or gate and you have a simple but effective access control solution (with approved vehicles allowed automatic entrance and with auto-close behind them).

Calcutta 1.jpg

LPR access control system from $7500 

(base price)

Just the other day Farmgate visit a local food producer site in the Waikato and just drove right on and around the site. No one stopped us. No gates, barrier arms or cameras.


Yes there was a on site sign there notifying that we should sign in. But without forced compliance who's going to do that. Lets face it, unless there is a physical deterrent in front like a camera, gate or barrier arm, whose gonna stop?

​Farmgate is focused on physical deterrents at the farm gate. That's why our FarmARMr system is perfect for your business to control access and for the monitoring of vehicles movements.

Why a Farmgate FarmARMr system?​

  • visibility on EVERY VEHICLE coming and going

  • integrate with a barrier arm or gate for access control. 

  • superior license plate camera vehicle images with vehicle image & plate read

  • clear night time plate reads (most cameras can't do this)

  • automatic alerts of STOLEN vehicles

  • search by date, time, plate, across one or multiple cameras

  • edit all and name known vehicles

  • customizable alerts eg new, saved, stolen, blocked.

  • visibility and control direct on your mobile phone with mobile phone APP

  • data may be extractable or linked to others systems.

Track vehicle movements

Lets talk about cameras for a moment. Everyone wants a camera that will read license plate. (LPR = License Plate Recognition Camera). But few cameras will. And few understand what that lpr technology is really all about. We do. Farmgate's Mobotix M73 camera is a dedicated license plate recognition cameras with plate reads out to 50m day and night. It's German engineered and designed to last in the world's most harshest of conditions.


Farmgate have linked this up with a mobile phone App for in phone notifications and control at your finger tips. Get visibility 24/7....  ​


Stop them at the gate

Pair the M73 camera with a barrier arm and gate for automated access for known and approved vehicles and stop everyone else. Search by plate, camera, date, time, get notifications that suit your need and have a historical records of all vehicle movements with superior imaging.  

About license plate recognition cameras

The selection and deployment of a license plate camera (LPR) is a specialist task. You cannot undertake the task of choosing, positioning, setup and operation of LPR camera by chance. License plate recognition accuracy is impacted by an extensive list of very different factors, such as lighting conditions, camera angle and position, font type and size, vehicle speed, the distance between the camera & license plate, environmental factors such as lighting, fog, night time etc and, of course, camera quality.

Therefore, the precise set-up and deployment including a sound decision making and planning process is required. Farmgate Security is a licensed security company and so is qualified to do this for you. 



See how it works below. Note: open gate and closed gate options available. 

Farmgate GALLERY


LPR access control system from $7500 

get started with your

(base price)

Benefits of a Farmgate solution

Visibility on all vehicles in and out

Superior license plate recognition cameras as the first line of defence.

A whole community wide approach to combatting rural crime

Three approaches for your community -solutions for:

Your Community, Your Road and

Your Farm 

Peace of mind

You'll feel better knowing you have done something with deterrents and visibility. At Farmgate we hope to help you Sleep At Night Again

Here's what you'll get

  1. top of the range German engineered technology

  2. visibility on EVERY VEHICLE coming and going

  3. superior vehicle images with vehicle image & plate read

  4. clear night time plate reads (most cameras can't do this)

  5. automatic alerts of STOLEN vehicles

  6. search by date, time, plate, across one or multiple cameras

  7. edit all and name known vehicles

  8. customizable alerts eg new, saved, stolen, blocked.

  9. visibility and control direct on your mobile phone with mobile phone APP

  10. integrate with barrier arms or gates for access control.

  11. data may be extractable or linked to others systems.

  12. Farmgate roadside sign 
  13. Expandable and scalable -add additional cameras over time.
  14. Regular maintenance and support -annual visits for cleaning maintenance (chargeable)

"We have a Farmgate license plate cameras. I wouldn't be without ours now. I can see who is coming, who is going. We also get
alerted if there are stolen vehicles spotted in our area"
Conrad, Farm Manager -Waikato

Ready to get started and improve your security for your property or business?

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