Are you a rural property owner or do you live rurally? We know you are busy but increasingly rural communities are under attack.
Many rural communities right now are facing a tidal wave of boy racer activity tearing up the roads or the escalation of rural crime or both. Many are feeling increasingly less safe. Unfortunately the Police are either too busy these days, under resourced or don’t have any evidence in which to respond to rural community needs.
What we are finding is that rural communities more than ever need to take rural crime and anti social behavior into their owns hands to support the Police but they need the tools to do it. Farmgate is here to help and work along side rural
communities to help reduce rural crime by 50%.
Our initial community 'test site' returned a 40% reduction in crime in the area as a result of installation of Farmgate's roadside community license plate recognition cameras (as reported by the Police). What a fantastic result.
​Lets do the same for your community. Find out how with our rural crime reduction strategy. ​
​Your rural security roadmap...
Fixed bullet or LPR camera at entrance ways
Camera covering your vats, tanks and sheds
Solar Floodlights around the property
Roadside community license plate cameras (LPR) at start & end of your road community
Farmgate roadside sign covering 30% of your roads properties.​
​The Farmgate Approach :
​The Farmgate approach is three-fold. All three are needed to create safer communities:
1. ​License plate COMMUNITY cameras on roadsides in and out of a community or at key locations (Community project -MY COMMUNITY.
2. SATURATING roads (25-30% coverage) with Farmgate signs and cameras at entrances of rural properties (Roads and neighbours -MY ROAD).
3. Adding extra camera on PERSONAL properties to cover key assets like vats, diesel, sheds and the home. (Individual property owners -MY FARM).
​The Farmgate vision is a camera at every rural entrance or LPR community camera at the start of every rural road or community!
It isn't about spying, there isn't a hidden agenda, or a conspiracy here. This isn't big brother or 15 minutes cities. It's just tools in the hands of rural communities to deter and track unwanted visitors who you don't want there.​​​​​​​
Farmgate's FarmARMr system for automatic access control:​
visibility on EVERY VEHICLE coming and going
integrate with a barrier arm or gate for access control.
superior license plate camera vehicle images with vehicle image & plate read
clear night time plate reads (most cameras can't do this)
automatic alerts of STOLEN vehicles
search by date, time, plate, across one or multiple cameras
edit all and name known vehicles
customizable alerts eg new, saved, stolen, blocked.
visibility and control direct on your mobile phone with mobile phone APP
data may be extractable or linked to others systems.
With the Farmgate APP you get all vehicles recorded and plates and images of the vehicles on your phone via the APP. Plus all registered users in your post code area get notified of stolen vehicles. Most of all your camera acts as a deterrent to unwanted visitors. Note this is SNAPSHOT Technology not constant recording of video footage -so there is no longer hours of video to search through.​